elegy for Michelle Marriott
singing voice ekphrastic
singing voice ekphrastic
Matilda's Miss Honey
lovely teacher strong
enough to carry
all the heavy things
sweet feminine flower
tu nous manques*
you me your dog
impromptu cabin
enough to carry
all the heavy things
sweet feminine flower
tu nous manques*
you me your dog
impromptu cabin
sugar pine forest
giant cones glisten
giant cones glisten
fire road to San
Antonio Falls
the highest peak
above Los Angeles
near San Bernardino
above Los Angeles
near San Bernardino
together reminiscing
how you charmed
the horse stable men
and we all benefitted
how you charmed
the horse stable men
and we all benefitted
La Bamba serenades
under third floor windows
fresh three am croissantsunder third floor windows
Aix-en-Provence now
afternoon of granite
quartz igneous rock
San Gabriel Mountains
runs river cool water
the end of last summer
magic in found feathers
columbine's bitter seed
eagle claw valley heat
dead opossum at shed
mort trop jeune
lime tree after chemo
doctors foretell death
scary childhood story
(they didn't believe you!!)
singing voice ekphrastic
Matilda's Miss Honey
teacher brave enough
to fight the creatures
sweet feminine flower
tu nous manques*
*we miss you
FYI a couple lines above are borrowed lyrics of Miss Honey's song from Matilda the Musical (based on book by Roald Dahl) - you can find the song here at end of remix (Tony Awards 2013) http://youtu.be/A06-8IWjFSE
photo: Aquilegia formosa at San Antonio Falls/Mt. Baldy CA 8/31/13